Sunday, September 30, 2012

What we did after Day 19.

there are a few things that i needed to do to the kitchen after everyone was done.

this is behind the stove, yes u dont normally see it, but i'll know it's there.

so i textured and painted it myself 

i figured that since i have nothing in the kitchen, i would go ahead and paint the other side of the door. it was not easy since the door moves lol  plus i also painted the inner door trim (not sure if that's how u call it) 

and with a nice looking door and kitchen, no way were we gonna use the old  brass door knob and lock and hinges . so we changed them! :)

Day 19

Today sure was a crowded day for my little kitchen.  Not only were Keith, Nancy, and Gary there, Keith has also called his electrician and plumber friends to come out to fix my messed up wiring and install all the water related stuff.

Keith and Gary drilled holes for my faucet and water filter, grouted everything while i helped with cleaning up.  Nancy was doing touch ups on the walls that Carl and I sanded and filled holes.  she also mudded the wall behind the fridge and painted it for me.

Then the plumber's crew came out to work on the garbage disposal, faucet, water filter and dish washer.  

The electrician came and fixed my messed up wiring, plus put in new outlets, and installed my ceiling light and kitchen light, he totally hooked me up big time, thank you Levi.

yes there is a hole in the ceiling where the kitchen light used to be, but i will fix that, thanks to Keith who taught me how to do it. :)

look at this faucet, jealous? yes you should be.

Plumber Richard and his crew did all that. if we have to do that ourselves, i dont think i will have a sink at all in my kitchen lol

they had to fix the drain. basically lower it so that the garbage disposal can drain right.  older houses have their drains way too high

my new dishwasher.  note to others: they dont come with power cord, so buy one before installing lol


Day 18

Keith and Gary worked on the backsplash above the stove.  My idea was to just tile with the white subway tiles, but it's boring, and i have extra tiles from the counter top, so i gave the guys an OK to go ahead and make up something cool. Gary was kind to have brought over some of his tiles that could be tied in with my counter top tiles and make something cool.

While they were designing, i wasnt allowed to look LOL

But it was all worth the anticipation once they showed me what they did! Thanks again guys!


Day 17

Today, the counter top tiles and backsplash are getting done. woohoo. Keith and Gary had a way better idea on how to position the tiles than I do.  turned out soooooo awesome!


Day 16

Today was another day for the doors and drawers to be put in. It;s getting there!


Day 15

Today was about putting the doors on with the soft close

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 14

While we waited on the tiles, the doors came in.  Keith and Gary worked on the doors on Day 14.


A little break

After the previous post, it was time for our vacation, plus we have to wait on the tiles to get here, so we took a little break.

After we came back from our Las Vegas vacation, we checked on the tiles.  Nope, they are brand new tiles that haven't been made yet, so they had to order from the factory.

Another week goes by and the tiles still weren't ready, so nothing happened that whole week except I finally went and got the subway tiles for the backsplash.

Tuesday, we finally received a call saying our tiles are in!!!!!!

After all that waiting, we have learned that when ordering tiles, expect at least 2 weeks to 4 weeks delivery time.